The Film Opens with a long shot of the young woman walking down the hill and over the fence. I did this to show how small the woman was compared to how big the woodlands is and to show that the woods had power over the woman because it would be so easy for her to get lost. No birds are singing which signifies that something unnatural/ bad is going on as normally birds sing and they dont when something bad is going to happen. I then cut to a close up shot of the womans face looking around her as if to say she thinks someone is following her and i did this to create a feeling of uneasiness. The shot from behind the wall is again to make the woman look small but also to make it seem to the audience that someone is watching the woman from behind the wall as well so it makes the atmosphere tense. There are several more shots from various angles which also make it feel like the woman is being watched which again increases the tension. There is a shot with the machete stuck into a fallen tree. The machete signifys that there is violence coming up but also the woman is the only person in the shot so it means that the blade is intended for her.
The woman hears a sound and turns around and catches a glimpse of something behind a tree. I did this so the audiences heart rate would increase as they know that something is now following the woman. She turns around and walks away quickly and then there is a point of view shot of her Red shoes. I used this shot to show that the girls walking pace had quickened but also that you could get a good shot of her shoes which are red which signify blood and violence. Also the red colour is jarring to the eyes compared to the darker and plainer colours surrounding the woman. The fast shots cutting between the feet of the lurker and the point of view of the lurker chasing after the woman make the audiences heart beat faster and increases the tension as the audience want her to realise that she is being chased and to get away. I ended the clip before the woman got caught to make the audience want to see more and find out what had happens to the woman. I chose the music for the media product because they had a lot of long notes in them which makes the audience hold there breath sub-conciously which therefore increases their heart rate too adding to the tension even more.